Welcome to the Null Point Zine archive. Where we offer free zines to download print and distribute!
Null Point is a bi-monthly zine which is created through an open call on an open topic. Taking submissions from anyone who is brave enough to submit! We then collate that work into a collaborative zine and distribute it to the world without name, rhyme or rationale!
The idea is to embrace the catharsis of creation, get over the fear of the algorithm or judgement of a an audience and try to give people an outlet in an increasingly hostile online world.
You can download each issue for free and either keep it digital or print and give away copies yourself! Leave them in stores, your school, museums, work, your mums fridge, your partners shoes, anywhere you like! All to spread art, creativity and expose the world to new ideas, new thoughts and express ourselves through creating.
You may love it, you may hate it but in the end it's a Null Point.